Workshops at Books For Cooks

Our cookery workshops began in 1995 when, in response to the ever-increasing enquiries about cookery demonstrations, Eric with Ursula Ferrigno (our resident Italian cook) pinned up a notice in the shop advertising a mere handful of classes. Despite the fact that the classes took place only on Sundays, when the shop was closed, and in our tiny test kitchen, we were overwhelmed by the enthusiastic response of our customers. Since these modest beginnings, the workshops have moved upstairs into a custom-built demonstration kitchen of their own, while the series of classes grows more extensive every season as new subjects are developed and added to the schedule.
Our most popular workshops are repeated but there are plenty of new flavours added to the programme every season. The teachers are drawn from our valiant team of resident cooks and include French chef and Books for Cooks owner Eric Treuillé, chef and food consultant Tom Kime, Italian cookbook author extraordinaire Ursula Ferrigno, Japanese-born food writer Kimiko Barber, Bristol-based cookery teacher Jenny Chandler, vegetarian food writer Celia Brooks Brown, American-born cookbook author Jennifer Joyce, Lebanese food writer Nada Saleh, Books for Cooks cook Sarah Benjamin, London-based cookery teacher Sam Watherston, cookery teacher Marcia Barrington, Indian cookery writer Manju Mahli and Tuscan-based chef Olivia Greco. Workshops run for approximately three hours. Space is limited so pre-booking is required. You’ll receive a specially compiled recipe booklet, lots of tasting (the equivalent of a light lunch or supper) of the dishes demonstrated, and a glass of wine (where appropriate, it will be a glass of red wine from the south of France, from Eric’s own biodynamic vineyard!). Please bring a pen and your undivided attention.
See our current Workshop Programme